Thursday, April 29, 2010


Damn French keyboards, they are insanely different, so pardon my spelling mistakes. So Jill has been sick for the past two days. BUMMER. What a jerk eh? haha, only kidding, she's feeling better today and even ingested some food. It's all good!! So I really liked Marseille. Dad, I think you would too. It's dirty and real and awesome. Met some cool people here too. Highlight of the trip so far: Grasse and making our own perfume!! I will post about that later though, but goodness was it ever fun! Tomorrow we are moving on to Aix-en-Provence, Salon-de-Provence, and then staying the night in Avignon, or two. I cannot express enough how badly I want to live here. This summer: learn to read and write. Next summer + forever = LIVE IN FRANCE. It is for me!! Okay, has taken me about 30 min to type out and I NEED to get back to my bottle of 4euro Bordeaux wine. Love to you all, andie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get better soon Jill! Miss you Andrea, and glad to hear you are having lots of fun. (Have Fun, Be Safe.) Love, mom