Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A New Adventure Awaits in 3 Days!

France! Jill and I decided that since we fell so in love with France and spent entirely too much time there last year, we would devote an entire trip to it. We'll be leaving this Saturday, April 24, flying to London from Calgary and then catching a quick connection to Nice. It'll be a long day of travel, but we'll manage I'm sure! After all, we'll be on the Cote d'Azur. That'll cure a little jet lag and exhaustion pronto!
Two nights in Nice, I'm sure several short of what we'll end up wanting to spend there, and then on to Marseille, which I am so looking forward to! I can't wait to spend three nights in this dirty, hard city. It'll be grand. From there we'll make a few stops in Avignon, Aix en Provence, Salon de Provence, Carcasonne, Toulouse (tentatively overnight there and I'll light a candle for my dear lost cat. And then enjoy the amazing artist!), and then on to Bordeaux. We'll spend two or three nights there enjoying the fruits of the area. And then on to Paris! Paris will be the only place where we have been before. Four glorious nights! We'll stay in the same hostel in my favourite part of town, Montmartre, and visit Versaille, all of the markets we were oblivious to last time, and perhaps go all out for a Moulin Rouge show. Jill's going to read that and say, "Perhaps??" with a fierce scowl. Yes, yes, Jill, we're going. 'Cause there's a discount if you go to the 11pm show, heh... I'm still sneaky.
So yes, my beloved France was calling me back again and I could not refuse! I don't remember being so giddy before.. Maybe it's because we leave in 3 days. That seems completely implausible at the moment.
Not just because of the volcano. I have not mentioned it for a reason! But I was monitoring flights today and there was a flight from Toronto to London! Hoo-rah! I'm not sure if it landed. But I bought cancellation insurance JUST in case. Everyone knock on wood and cross all fingers and toes, please. Until Saturday at 4pm.
Because of the whirlwind 17 day trip, I doubt I'll have much time to write. But when I get back and I'll definitely share the highlights.
love andie.
Ps. Last post we were just making our way to Sevilla and from there we went on to Granada. Those two cities alone I could explore for about three months. I would not hesitate suggesting them to visit and it will not be longer than five years until I revisit them. Amazing cities!

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