Monday, May 18, 2009


It's quite lovely here. It's slower and less hectic, compared to Italy. I prefer it, thus far. We're in Barcelona right now, leaving in the morning for Sevilla for two nights there. Spent today walking around and saw the big Gaudi church (Sangrada Familia? No idea..) and then Parc Guell, another of his works. It's weird stuff, really off the wall. Not sure if I like it, but neat still. Tried to find a Spanish flag for 5€ today, but apparently that is much too cheap. I think I offended a couple shop owners, but I will not pay one penny over! Bastards.. I'll go to a market! Speaking of markets, we were in one today and I saw skinned sheep heads. They scared me and I'm glad Jill was too busy chowing down on mango to notice. I did not like it. But we did have delicious fruit. And shwarma for lunch! So delicious; stuffed with humus and veggies and sesame sauce. LOVE IT. I want more! Ciao for now! love andie. ps. I'm dying for clotted cream on scones with strawberry jam!! Thanks to Kate I now have that as one of my fave things to dream about..


Dear One Who Birthed You said...

Glad to hear you are enjoying Spain. Miss you a lot, and can't wait to see you two out here in August! Love, mom xx00

Unknown said...

Yay...clotted cream, scones and jam! I've been doing nothing but eat that since you guys left the UK!! Glad you two are still having a great time! Have a safe flight home and speak to you when you get back! Love to Jill! xx

Anonymous said...
