Tuesday, May 5, 2009


London was great, saw Westminster Abbey, London Tower, Tower Bridge and had a lovely walk along the Thames. Found 1pound cappuccinos and delicious pastries. Saw a play called Madame de Sade starring none other than Dame Judi Dench! Crazy cool! Made it to Paris; feels like it took a long time to get here! The overnight coach was pretty awful, we got woken up to go through customs, then to get on the ferry, then off the ferry.. stupid, very little sleep was had. Took a long time to get to our hostel after getting to the correct metro station, walked past the turn... way past. Then we weren`t allowed to check in until 3pm. So.. running on extreme empty, we went into the heart of Paris to Place St Michele and went on a free walking tour for 3.5 hours and saw all the touristy things, it was fantastic! Then we kept the adrenalin flowing and went for a tour of Montmartre.. the Moulin Rouge area. Really cool area, my favourite neighbourhood by far. Staying in Paris for two more nights then off to Dijon and past that... who knows! This keyboard is not normal and is exceedingly difficult to type with. Need some sleep! And a little more 3€ red wine, haha. love andie.


Dear One Who Birthed You said...

Glad you're having a great time, and seeing lots of stuff. But get some sleep! What did you guys have pierced and/or tatooed? I'm awaiting the pics to show up on your blog. Love you lots; have fun, be safe. Love, Mom & Dad xx00

Unknown said...

haha! Yes those damn French keyboards! It's not a Qwerty is it!! The A and M are in silly places! Glad you guys made it to Paris safely! It was so lovely to see you and quadruple the amount of photos we have Andie! Take care, hope the language barriers isn't to much of a problem! xxx

Carol Mah said...

Hey - did you remember to take your pants off in France??? Glad you're having fun. Montemarie IS the best part of Paris. Adieu! Travel safe. Love C