Thursday, April 30, 2009

We're off today!

No more sleeps left to count; we're leaving in about 10 minutes. bah!! My brilliant plan to stay up late last night and get on London time failed miserably. I was exhausted and we were in bed around 11.30 PM. Ridiculous! Now it's 7 AM and I'm still tired but I'm going to try and not fall asleep on the way to Calgary (ya right..)
So now I must go and be on the way to being on our way. 
First Leg: Edmonton to Calgary
Mode of Transportation: Auto
Length of Trip: ~3 Hours
Bye for now!
love andie.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Dearest Andie,

Had I not received an email from Jill today, I would have begun searching QE2 for your remains. Seeing as how there has not been an update since you left here (Edmonton) I had naturally assumed that you died pre-calgary. You are what has to be the WORST blogger ever.

Lots of love,
