Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 6

Hello from Gatineau, Quebec! Originally we had intended to be in Ottawa today.. however, news to us, Gatineau is right across the river from Ottawa. We got in late last night and, after learning that the hostel we planned on staying at was particularly seedy, we ran across the river to another province, hah. Ottawa smells funny, is this familiar to anyone? Somewhat like fecal matter, to be blunt. Not overly nice, but I'm sure we'll get used to it, which is a lovely thought. We've been travelling now for 5 days and Ottawa is to be our home for at least two more nights. Today we are scouring the Rideau Canal for tulips as the Tulip Festival is now on. We will go to the Parliament buildings and check the goings on there and then later tonight try and find a pub with live music to eat to. Possibly a bar after that, who knows. Tomorrow we have a whitewater rafting trip booked!! We are going to be rafting the Ottawa River and it's going to be fantastic. It's really warm here, 18 today, 22 tomorrow, so I hope the water won't freeze the life out of us. And the brochure had a mention of bungee jumping..?? Who knows! Yesterday on the drive from Sault Ste. Marie to Ottawa, we found an intriguing sign: "Meteor Crater, Turn Right". So what the hell, we're road tripping, let's go! Turn off, see another sign saying 32 km. Well, okay, that's not so bad, quick detour. Then we see that this 32 km consists of nothing but forest, gravel road, and little clearings in the woods, perhaps new development or something. So we are on that road for a good long while, at least 30 minutes, and we get to a sign pointing in three directions. No mention of the crater whatsoever. So we were angry, of course, c'mon, we wanted to see aliens or something. A little disappointing, but it made us laugh. Have to go shower now cause I stink! Must be the air here. Avoir! love andie. ps. Did you know that Quebec is not a bilingual province? Nope! Mono.. goodness. I should've continued on with my French after grade 6.. Good thing I have a personal translator beside me, but still, it's a bit frightening not knowing what anything says. good thing we're heading back to Ottawa.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just love how you spelt
"Au revoir!"
did you know that your spelling "avoir"- means "have" in english? your post is
"Have! Love Andie!"- too funny-
anyway now im finished with being mean ;) sounds like your haveing a wonderful time and i cant wait to hear more and see all your pics when you return!
Have fun!!