Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day 2

After a late start yesterday at 2pm, as opposed to the 7am I had hoped for.., we drove to Calgary and stayed with Stella's cousin. Went out for my very first Indian meal, oh boy... I'm hooked. And no digestive problems, as Stella had warned me about, haha. But it was all good, I assure you! Because you all wanted to know. Today we left at a very respectable 6.30am and drove straight East. Not too eventful, however I had forgotten that Saskatchewan is not, in fact, the flat, boring plain that it's reputation perceives it as. It has better undulation (that was for you, mom) than the drive from Edmonton to Calgary! Rolling hills, it was beautiful! The big road side attraction for today was the Swinging Bridge in Wolseley, SK. It was quite a hoot. It was actually, however sarcastic that sounded. It really did swing. Took a few pictures, will post later. We had planned on taking pictures at every provincial border crossing, however the Alberta/Saskatchewan border was nowhere to be found. We did find the Sask/Manitoba one quite nicely, again, photos to come. The GPS system we have in the car is called TomTom and I joke that AndAnd does just as good of a job. Many times it has said that we are no longer on a road and to turn around when safe to do so. But... I haven't driven off the road, honest! And, news to us, we were driving over bodies of water that must have been underground.. or something like that. It was odd. Frightening if I wasn't paying 100% attention and I worried for a minute that it was truthful about me being off the road. I was afraid of drowning.. but no, again, it was wrong! AndAnd to the rescue. And to aid in that persona, I bought some STELLAR aviator sunglasses that are amazing and incredible and make me have superhuman confidence and abilities. They are phenomenal. Anyways, just stopped for some Subway in Verdin (I think..), Manitoba, and heading out now for Winnipeg! Will write soon for more adventure updates. Could we possibly beat the Swinging Bridge?? hah. love andie.

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