Friday, February 23, 2007

sorry about the delay!

Hi everyone! We're in Belfast at the moment. Slight change of plans from Scotland. We decided last minute to go Dublin since the train was so damn expensive if you don't book early (Amber). So ya, we flew to Dublin the day after watching Newcastle lose by ONE POINT ARGH to Bristol. It was a great game. Absolutely packed, we could only stand! Very exciting. Then went back to Kate's place and chilled out. Very good to see her again and hopefully we'll meet up with her in London before we go back home. Vivian and Festus (Angie's sister's brother and sister in law) picked us up after a short hour flight (quite bumpy, my least enjoyable flight yet) and took us to their house. Festus took us into the city the next day and we checked it out. It was great weather for awhile but soon started raining, same with the next day. Not too exciting in the city. Went to an old jail and loved that, but other than that... meh. Yesterday, Thursday, we took a 3hr bus trip to Belfast. Not bad here.. it's a bit rougher. We went out last night to a movie after dark and were chased down the street by this mean asshole dog. I tried to run but Ang said no. I wanted to kick it. Saw an English movie that was quite good. Walking back was scary as well. Tomorrow we're going to fly to Edinburgh and figure out the buses so we can discover the highlands. Belfast is rude and dirty (Ang says) but I think if you got a bit more time to look around and live here then it'll be good. Amber I'll call when I can find a phone that works! love andie.


Anonymous said...

It's Feb 28 and you've about a week from home; miss you like crazy! Hope you're both having a great time. How is Spain? See you on the 8th! Love, TheDearOneWhoBirthedYou

gallopforever said...

Blah! Where's the pictures?? Haha, not much blog time means that you are having fun! Call me the day you get home, miss you!