Wednesday, February 14, 2007

One sleep to go..

Alright well it's technically two sleeps to go because I haven't gone to bed yet, but still, it's Wednesday morning and it's close. Really close. I can smell the jet fuel. hm, I wonder if the heater is burning something in my room.. I digress. Last day of work tomorrow (today) and that's great. Also, tomorrow is when Ang finds out if her passport is ready. I really hope it is. No need for added stress. Packed my back this evening. Not too bad. Doesn't seem like I have very much stuff, how did I keep 5 months worth in there last time?? Seemed like I had a lot more little tid bitty things. I'm sure they will accumulate. They better! Pretty excited now.. Just having my bag on my back gets me raring to go. I remember when I first got back and how I couldn't wait to have clothes in closets and drawers again, but I'm really looking forward to having everything on my back. At the moment I'm downloading a podcast (my very first one), How To Speak Spanish. hah. Maybe I'll learn it on the plane when we're flying down to Spain. We'll see. I think they're kind of neat.. interesting little things. I'm also converting a few Heroes episodes to watch on my iPod as well. That's exciting. And I'm going to tape Ang's eyelids to her forehead and make her watch it because I rather enjoy it. Takes a long time to convert though, or I would do a few movies too. Anyways, I am quite tired. I think we'll try to stay up late tomorrow night so we can sleep on the plane. I have a problem doing that, I'm just too damn excited! We'll see. Maybe I'll have to pop one of Ang's Adavans, hah. andie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have a fricken awesome trip anders!!! I'm so jealous!! say hi to my sister if you get a chance to see her too!!