Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Late Post #3 - Avignon

Look at this silly girl. Walking through Avignon to our hostel across the river Rhone from the city.
Beautiful Avignon with the Palais du Papes in the background
Avignon was this wonderful walled city on the river Rhone. It had very narrow streets and lots of cobblestones. It's called the City of the Popes because they have this big palace that the popes used to live in.
We went in and listened to the extremely boring audio guide. As you can see, Jill is obviously moved by what they are saying.
It was neat but not worth the 10€ But we did get to go onto th
e Pont d'Avignon, this famous bridge with a song about it and everythin
g. "Sur la pont d'Avignon..." something something something. They dance or something, I dunno. The bridge was more impressive to look at than stand on. But there were lots of fish that were eating the seaweed or something. These huge things! And lots, like 20 or so. I really enjoyed those fish..
Here's the bridge. It used to go all the way across but some flood came and destroyed part of it. Our hostel was on the other side of the river Rhone, the wrong side I think. Lots of people would come at night and park their cars along the river and blast dance music and smoke hookah pipes. It was interesting. We didn't feel the safest coming back from dinner one night at 1am, but there was a security guard at the hostel so it wasn't that bad. We were afraid of being thieved though, but luck prevailed!
Here's the outside of the wall. It's like this right around the whole city, very cool. It felt neat being inside, like we were safe and cosy or something.
The meal we had on the first night in Avignon is one of my favourite memories. We had some trouble finding it, but Merci Tonton was finally reached at 9.30pm. It had the cutest little courtyard/patio out back and had about 5 tables or so, really intimate and, like I said, so cute. The waitress knew we were English so she avoided us like the plague. She was nice about it, but it took awhile to get our order for wine in. She brought out the blackboard with the menu on it, all in French of course. We had a tough time
translating it, so again the waitress avoided us, but she asked the other tables if anyone spoke English. This larger group of people beside us helped us out and told us the key words in the menu: beef, seafood, lamb. Normally we would have been able to pick those words out but it said like sirloin and stuff, not boeuf. No good. But they were really helpful and we had fun with it.
This is a picture of the entree (which is their appetizers). It was toast with some puree spread on it, SO delicious, sauteed onions, and little fish which I found out later were sardines!! It was delicious though! It was a suggestion from our neighbouring table.
And then after the meal was all done, after being total goofs and having a fabulous time, the waitress, who warmed up to us, and her husband, the chef, invited us to have a very French drink - Armagnac. It was vile. Jill pawned hers off on me, the jerk. She wasn't feeling all that well though, I force fed her tap water and made her sick again. But the people sang this French song about Vancouver and it was so funny. We stumbled out of there around 1 in the morning. What a lovely place.

Late Entry #2 - Bordeaux

The beautiful barrel room at Pontet Canet. It smelled wonderful
This is where they load the grapes into the wooden vats from the top, so it's gentler on the grapes
The wooden vats. This is very unusual, they are usually stainless steel. Even Jill hadn't seen it and she's seen everything! (She's delusional and hallucinates often)
The mansion part of Pontet Canet
Our trusty stead, the Ka!!
Bad news bears..
This haunts me.
That girl had way too much wine.
Egads, we're driving in France!
5 May 2010
What a brilliant adventrous day here in Bordeaux!! "What do you wanna do today Jill?" "Oh I dunno, Andie, how about we rent a car and drive around France looking for wine?" Sheer brilliance.
Heh. Well we rented a carand inteded to drive to St-Emilion but decided to go to the Medoc region after a slight detour left us on the complete opposite side of Bordeaux that we needed to be on. The first stop was a chateau we didn't know even had a tasting room, but we just barged in with our N. American baravado demanding some sips. I think it was called Chateau Merye or something. Left with a lovely bottle of '05 Optima.
Next stop was the town of Paulliac, or something to that effect. Tourist info closed so we took the opportunity to grab lunch and get Jill proficient with a manual transmission. Mom, I now know how you felt all those times driving with me in those eary years. I now have seven more gray hairs, Jill counted.
Got the low down on the wineries in the area once the tourist office was owned and booked a tour with Chateau Pontet Canet, a really fancy winery. Drove around the area looking at gorgeous vineyards and chateaua and stoppers at La Haye for a tour and a
Tasting. Couldn't leave empty handed, of course.
Pontet Canet was gorgeous! It's a Grand Cru Classe winery, which means it's special. They use horses and everything! Huge oak vats instead of stainless steel; it was beautiful. Had a special private tour and everything. They had a really neat basement barrel room with this locked room of super old wines. From the 60s and stuff! Very cool. I'll get some photos on of the place.
So driving back to Bordeaux was seamless (Jill was driving, taking the roundabouts on two wheels, testing the Ka's top heaviness..) but once back in the city it was a bit scary. I took over and had to negotiate the roads back to our hotel and then on to the train station. But I did get to park like a Frenchie - two wheels up on the curb. There was barely any car on the road; I was awesome and I was very proud of myself.
Did I tell you about the fantastic Italian restaurant we found on the first night in Bordeaux? OH MY GOODNESS, SOOO GOOD. We went twice. First time, I had the special, penne with broccoli and a word we couldn't translate. Turned out to be cured ham, DROOL. It was incredible. Jill had the margarita pizza, of course she did, and it was delicious. With spicy olive oil drizzled on it, ah! Second time was even better. I had a big ass salad and Jill had the ultima pizza. It really was ultimate, it had huge curls of parmesan, proscuitto, and large leaves of some herb.. It was to die for. I wanted to go back the next day but was a bit embarrassed to go so often. It's called Regazzi's. Check it out.

Late Entry #1 - Grasse

Late Entry! From my iPod I wasn't able to post things onto here. It was strange and frustrating but not to worry, I saved them!
28 April 2010
What a fantastic day we had yesterday!! We took an earlyish train to Grasse from Nice, about an hour west. We splurged for a cab to take us right to the centre ville (town centre). We went to the first perfumerie (Grimald) and decided to go all out and create our very own scent. That wasn't until 1400 so we walked to another perfumerie called Fragonard. Gorgeous little place with a jardin beside it that had lots of the flowers used. We filmed a little tour through it, I'm sure you'll enjoy that. I found my favourite scent!! It's a plant called faux curry and smells like your memory of the best day ever. It's hypnotizing.
So had McDonald's for lunch, classy, and headed back to Grimald for our Creation! Am I ever glad Jillian convinced me to do that!! It Is the highlight so far!! SO MUCH FUN!!! We were like chemists. We started out by choosing our two fave scents from 9 choices. Then we had to choose 3 out of 6 scents for the body (illustrated by a skirt on the bottle) and then so on for the heart (a shirt with mega-cleavage, haha) and then the top notes (a face. We were so amused by these pictures). So we kept mixing these things into a graduated cylinder and smelling as we went and saw our perfume come to life. We were supervised by the perfumeriers (I made that word up) in lab coats. At one point I had chosen two sweet scents and the lady said, "I don't want you to smell like a... How you say... Bon-Bon?" haha. So cute! I thought she was going to say hooker or something, but I'm very glad that I changed it to not smell like candy.
And then! The naming of our creation. Now picking smells you like out of hundreds of choices was hard. But naming this beast!? That was the real challenge. Jill named hers Za (apparently she says it all the time but I've never once heard it) and i named mine LaFleur after our dear friend on the plane. I don't know if I've told that story yet.. If not, there is no chance it will be forgotten, this trip has been dubbed: LaFleur Does France: Back To His Roots. Haha. Oh LaFleur...
So Grasse was awesome!! And it's pronounced grass, not grassie or DeGrassi Juniour High. What a memory.
Now here we are in wonderful Marseille! Nothing to report as of yet except we have two really great roommates, a guy from Lyon and a girl from N. Carolina. We talked their ears of after arriving last night, feels like we haven't talked to anyone but each other for weeks!! It's only been three days.. Haha.
Jill's not feeling so hot this morning so we're going to take it easy today and just do some walking around in a bit. I like Marseille already and I'm glad we're staying three nights here.
Love to you all! andie.
Ps. We're just so close.. I cannot lie and say we never thought of zipping down to Barcelona. We were thinking about the logistics yesterday and contemplated it heavily! But we are not going, just going to hang around oh-so-gorgeous Provence. We both say we feel so at home here. It is not a foreign country but a place that has been a part of me forever that I am only now realizing and discovering. I cannot wait to live here in France.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Damn French keyboards, they are insanely different, so pardon my spelling mistakes. So Jill has been sick for the past two days. BUMMER. What a jerk eh? haha, only kidding, she's feeling better today and even ingested some food. It's all good!! So I really liked Marseille. Dad, I think you would too. It's dirty and real and awesome. Met some cool people here too. Highlight of the trip so far: Grasse and making our own perfume!! I will post about that later though, but goodness was it ever fun! Tomorrow we are moving on to Aix-en-Provence, Salon-de-Provence, and then staying the night in Avignon, or two. I cannot express enough how badly I want to live here. This summer: learn to read and write. Next summer + forever = LIVE IN FRANCE. It is for me!! Okay, has taken me about 30 min to type out and I NEED to get back to my bottle of 4euro Bordeaux wine. Love to you all, andie.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Success!! We didn't die in the ash! Nearly died of exhaustion though. 14 hours of travel from Calgary to Nice. Oi. We fell asleep at 7pm after doing a big walk around the city along the Promenade. I finally made it to Alsace-Lorraine. Unfortunately it was just a park in Nice, and not the actual French province that I've wanted to go to for years but never made it. Close!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A New Adventure Awaits in 3 Days!

France! Jill and I decided that since we fell so in love with France and spent entirely too much time there last year, we would devote an entire trip to it. We'll be leaving this Saturday, April 24, flying to London from Calgary and then catching a quick connection to Nice. It'll be a long day of travel, but we'll manage I'm sure! After all, we'll be on the Cote d'Azur. That'll cure a little jet lag and exhaustion pronto!
Two nights in Nice, I'm sure several short of what we'll end up wanting to spend there, and then on to Marseille, which I am so looking forward to! I can't wait to spend three nights in this dirty, hard city. It'll be grand. From there we'll make a few stops in Avignon, Aix en Provence, Salon de Provence, Carcasonne, Toulouse (tentatively overnight there and I'll light a candle for my dear lost cat. And then enjoy the amazing artist!), and then on to Bordeaux. We'll spend two or three nights there enjoying the fruits of the area. And then on to Paris! Paris will be the only place where we have been before. Four glorious nights! We'll stay in the same hostel in my favourite part of town, Montmartre, and visit Versaille, all of the markets we were oblivious to last time, and perhaps go all out for a Moulin Rouge show. Jill's going to read that and say, "Perhaps??" with a fierce scowl. Yes, yes, Jill, we're going. 'Cause there's a discount if you go to the 11pm show, heh... I'm still sneaky.
So yes, my beloved France was calling me back again and I could not refuse! I don't remember being so giddy before.. Maybe it's because we leave in 3 days. That seems completely implausible at the moment.
Not just because of the volcano. I have not mentioned it for a reason! But I was monitoring flights today and there was a flight from Toronto to London! Hoo-rah! I'm not sure if it landed. But I bought cancellation insurance JUST in case. Everyone knock on wood and cross all fingers and toes, please. Until Saturday at 4pm.
Because of the whirlwind 17 day trip, I doubt I'll have much time to write. But when I get back and I'll definitely share the highlights.
love andie.
Ps. Last post we were just making our way to Sevilla and from there we went on to Granada. Those two cities alone I could explore for about three months. I would not hesitate suggesting them to visit and it will not be longer than five years until I revisit them. Amazing cities!