Thursday, April 30, 2009

We're off today!

No more sleeps left to count; we're leaving in about 10 minutes. bah!! My brilliant plan to stay up late last night and get on London time failed miserably. I was exhausted and we were in bed around 11.30 PM. Ridiculous! Now it's 7 AM and I'm still tired but I'm going to try and not fall asleep on the way to Calgary (ya right..)
So now I must go and be on the way to being on our way. 
First Leg: Edmonton to Calgary
Mode of Transportation: Auto
Length of Trip: ~3 Hours
Bye for now!
love andie.

Friday, April 17, 2009

13 Sleeps!

I am too excited to sleep! Seriously, I am lying wide awake in bed thinking of all the things that need to be done and all the adventures that will be had and I cannot stop! It's 0135 and I have to be up in a few hours, but that fact is not putting me to sleep whatsoever. So here is what we have so far: Land in London on 1 May - hang out there and do the touristy things and get our heads back into travel mode. We'll meet up with my wonderful friend Kate and finally get that proper pint of good ale that we both deserve and haven't had since.. well ever really. I just have repressed memories of cracking that warm Fiji Bitter that just had to be drank before the power came on to chill it... Stay in London for the weekend and do lots of things and prep ourselves to leave the English-speaking world for the the next three and a half weeks, ahhh!! I wonder if that is the cause of my insomnia tonight.. How extremely terrifying and exciting! We'll train it to Paris and stay there for a few nights, seeing the things on our list... Eiffel, Versailles, Moulin Rouge, Louvre, and the couple other things I'm forgetting, then on to Dijon and Lyon for some lovely countryside and wine tasting. Then down to Italy - Florence, Rome, Naples/Pompeii, Sicily, and the little ones in between. Up to Milan and across the French Riviera to Spain. Ole! I think the majority of our time will be spent in Spain due to our need for Flamenco, tapas, beaches, mountains, and saying "hola" on a regular basis. So I kind of just realized that we're leaving in less than two weeks and haven't the faintest idea of where we're staying when we arrive in London. Ah, the joys of the unknown! hah. I cannot wait to be thrown into the crazy, unpredictable, awesome, fun, scare-your-pants-off thrill of backpacking again. I sometimes forget that I still have to be somewhat productive in the hospital for the next week. hm. Perhaps sleep will aid in that endevour. For now, I bid you adieu and let you all shake your head at me for being so danged excited and neglecting sleep. andie.