Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Off I Go Again!!

Yet another adventure was set into motion today when my good friend Jillian and I booked our flights to London for April 30, 2009. And already a slight snag! Seems that my credit card did not go through.. I do have a temporary booking, however, and they said they'll call me.. But as of now, it's just Jillian going backpacking. haha. hahahahah. Ah, I'm sure it'll all work out. I will make it so! So yes, we are going. We have yet to book our return flight as Jill is away right now and we must do immense amounts of research in order to calculate how much money/time we'll need. We're tentatively thinking coming home on May 26. Our very non-concrete plans are so far: Fly to London April 30. Fly to Spain sometime. Train it through Spain and France up to Paris. Possibly squeeze another country in there.. Netherlands? Ireland? Italy? Switzerland? Sure! Fly home from London May 26. This is a very exciting day because my hope of this ever turning out was dwindling when my search for cheap flights kept coming up with nothing. But I perservered and refused to accept anything more than $800 and finally caught a break! (Anyone looking for cheap flights to Europe, check out CanadianAffair.com) So yes, that is about it for now. The count down is on! T-minus 72 days. haha. Okay, maybe a little too soon for a count down. love andie.